Friday, September 25, 2015

Tips for filtering records in AX 2012

An ERP package in general contains large volumes of business data such as the business customers. in the day to day business, the end users require filtering records as per their needs and the below are some useful techniques for filtering records in AX 2012

I am going to explain you a few shortcuts and filtering techniques to help you do this in AX 2012.


  • CTRL+G : Use this short cut to filter columns displayed in a grid for (eg: Customers). When you press CTRL+G the grid displays an additional row for you to key in and filter the records as below: 

  • CTRL+K: Use this short cut to filter a field with the selected value. This filters the records for currently selected column. It displays a dialog box as below, where in the user can choose to filter:

Filtering Tips:

  • Between : You want to look for a record and not sure how the record starts or ends. You can simply use this filtering option in all such cases. If you want to filter a record ABCD but not sure the start & end characters. Simply type *ABCD* you get your data filtered and system displays all the records matching the criteria.
  • Starts With: If you know the starting characters but not sure the ending characters, simply put the starting characters you know and add a * and that gives you the required result. For example, you know the record starts with AB, then simply type AB* and the records matching the criteria are displayed.
  • Ends With: If you know the ending characters (for example: CD), simply add a * in-front and you get the desired records filtered. *CD fetches you all the records ending with the characters CD.
  • Does not Include: If you want to exclude a certain record out of your criteria, you can do so by using an Exclamation mark (!). For example, you do not want the records with ABCD in the grid, simply type !ABCD and all the records with ABCD are excluded from your filter.
  • Between Dates: You are viewing the transactional data in a grid and want to view only the transactional records starting from 1st January 2015 and ending with 31st December 2015. In such a case you can use '..' to serve your purpose. Just type in 01/01/2015..12/31/2015 and the records are displayed between the select date range in your grid.

This is it from me for now. keep a look out for more Tips & Tricks in the coming days.

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